Ultra Violet light has been used in the process of disinfection for many years. It is still used for that purpose, especially when it comes to the disinfection of air. UV light is short for ultraviolet light which is a light with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than x-rays. UV light is a very effective way to kill bacteria by messing up their DNA. It also kills germs that cause sick building syndrome.

Germicidal UV lights have been used for decades by the medical industry as a method for killing micro-organisms (germs, viruses, bacteria). This type of light has proven that it is effective in reducing the airborne micro-organisms that pass directly through the light rays. The effect that the light has on micro-organisms and bacteria depends on the intensity of the light, the distance from the light that the organism passes, and the time that the light has to affect the organism.

There are many options for installing these lights in your heating and air conditioning system. Usually the light is inserted into the return air plenum. The air passes through the ductwork and by the light. This will eventually kill the bad stuff in your air. For those organisms that survive the trip a time or two, they will get more and more exposure with each time that they pass through the light rays. Eventually the exposure will kill them.

In larger systems it may take more than one light to get the exposure that is needed to kill effectively. The only caution that I have is to be careful of the exposure of some plastics and other materials to UV light as it tends to breakdown some materials just as sunlight will.

If you have any concerns about the indoor air quality of your home or public facility, make sure you check out the UV lights. Ultra Violet light may also be the final line of defense against those diseases that have developed resistance to drugs, such as tuberculosis and others. These lights are very dependable and can be easily installed in HVAC ducts or a plenum. They also have the added benefit of reducing mold & germs. The reduction of mold, germs and algae will also help to improve your HVAC system performance.

Overall installing any kind of Ultra Violet light in your heating or air conditioning system can only be a good thing for you. I have installed these lights in medical buildings such as a doctor’s office and they have seen immediate effects. Not only was the air more healthy, but the reduction of the bad stuff in the air resulted in less time off for the employees because of sickness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2991761

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 by Masha B

Thanks for the Ultra Violet Light install. On my way to having fewer things in my home's air supply. Thank You.